Thursday 7 November 2013

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task we had to create a short continuity sequence, mainly to focus on:
  • 180 degree rule
  • Shot-reverse-shot
  • Match action
We learnt from this task  how to use the 180 degree rule, which is where the camera cannot move past a 180 degree line. This is so that the action and characters on screen do not constantly move from side to side, improving the overally effectiveness and continuity of the film.

Match action means that we do not have to film as much footage, as it allows us to cut down on certain segments of the film. An example of this is when a character is seen opening a door, and then is seen walking in the room. This still makes sense without showing the full footage.
Some of the main things we could improve on if we got the chance are:
  • Sound/background noise
  • Range of camera angles and movements
  • Better continuity.
The filming and editing processes was a lot smoother than when we filmed our swede, as we had planned the task and camera shots effectively.

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