Thursday 6 February 2014

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? Ev6

When creating our film, we used a number of different technologies to enable us to make the best product possible. Here are some examples of the technology we used, how we used it, what I learnt from it and how it benefited our film.

We used mobile phones as they are highly capable of technological convergence. We started by using them to communicate with people both within and outside of our group. This helped us to coordinate and organize prior to our filming day, especially as the main actor we planned to in-cooperate in both scenes was ill on the second filming day. He let us know an hour prior to filming, meaning that we had time to adjust the script accordingly. The phones also had available email apps, giving us the ability to communicate large chunks of information such as scripts to one another in a free and easy way. Other apps available to us were the blogger app, helping us to complete our blogs in any time or place, and social networks on which we carried out audience surveys. We also used mobiles to take photos and send them to one another via email, texting and applications such as whatsapp.

In the editing of our film, we also used laptops. These were useful as they allowed us to move around the school wirelessly and still be able to carry out the same standard of work. They also allowed us to have input to the editing of the film. For example, by taking a laptop into the mac room where the film was being edited, I managed to find images to include in our film such as arrows and edit the title logo, while at the same time having my say in what the film was to look like. This also meant that the other members of my group could have input as to what images and iconography we used without having to constantly move between rooms. Using the laptop saved us time, meaning that we could focus on getting the best media product we could create.

Google was a big help to us in the creation of our film. Rather than just being a search engine, Google has now branched out in a way that means by having one single account you can access more applications than just finding results. We used Google search to find images, both from other films in the same genre, and images that would eventually be used in the final film, for example, the arrows and the dummy in the Baby On Board logo. Google also has an email application, meaning that we could send one another the work that needed to be complete as well as images, links to videos and plans. We also used the Google drive application to create, save and sends documents to one another. This helped us a lot in the planning of our film as we could create plans and scripts no matter which of us are in school and where we all were. This saved us time as it meant that we didn't have to wait until all of us were in school to complete the work. 

Another app that is part of having a Google account is blogger. In the making and planning of our film, we used blogger to document our progress. This meant that we had a constant record of what each member of the group had done both as part of the group and individually. Each blog is accessible to everyone else in the class, meaning that if one member of the group was absent, they could go onto someone else's blog and catch up on what they missed.

YouTube also has a partnership with YouTube, and so we used this as a platform for the promotion of our film. By putting a video on YouTube, it is then accessible for the rest of the world to view. By adding tags that appeal to our target audience (such as celebrity figures they recognize: Justin Bieber, The Wanted, One Direction) it means that if they search for those words on YouTube, our video will come up in the results. We also used YouTube so that our video was available to be added onto our blogs. This helped us to track our progress and see the differences between each draft and the finalized product.

I used social media networks such as Facebook, twitter and instagram to create audience research surveys and gain feedback for our film. By putting the survey online, it saved time as people could answer it when they felt like it, rather than me having to approach people and ask them the questions. This meant that people could also be anonymous, as the results would be copied and pasted without their name attached. On Facebook alone, I gained 13 responses from people at every end of our target age group. I then used this research to tailor our film to what these people preferred, such as an exciting, relatable and funny opening sequence. Facebook and other social networks helped to complete this as they gave me a quick and easy platform for the survey to be carried out on.

The social media helped to make the film as well as the surveys go global as the worldwide user totals of these sites are:
  • Facebook: 1.23 billion users
  • Instagram: 150 million users
  • Myspace: 36 million users
  • Skype: 300 million users
  • Snapchat: 26 million users
  • Twitter: 243 million active users (monthly)
  • Tumblr: 26.3 million monthly users
  • Whatsapp: 450 million users
  • Youtube: 1 billion users 

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